Link Accounts

Learn how to connect additional wallets to your existing email and billing profile to seamlessly access all projects and billing details across multiple accounts.

  • Login with unlinked wallet

    Start by navigating to the thirdweb login portal and login with the wallet you want to link to an existing thirdweb account.

  • Specify Existing Email

    Upon signing in, navigate to the "I already have an account" tab and you will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your existing thirdweb account.

    Link Account
  • You will be prompted to confirm the link between the existing email and the new wallet. Upon email verification, you will be able to access all projects and billing details across both accounts.

    Link Account

View Linked Accounts

Learn how to view and unlink all linked accounts to the current email and billing profile.

  • Select your profile from the top right navigation. Then select My Account to navigate to your account settings.

    My Account Tab
  • Select Linked Wallets

    Navigate to the Linked Wallets tab to view all connected wallets. Here you can unlink any wallets that are no longer in use.

    Linked Account Dashboard